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Inseminaciones artificiales

Centro médico Hazba

Llevamos los servicios de salud hasta usted

Nuestro objetivo es cuidarte como lo haría un buen amigo. ¿Necesitas una consulta médica?

Pacientes de todos los sectores confían en nosotros

Prueba de Papanicolaou

Mantengámonos sanos con exámenes rápidos y sencillos. El virus del papiloma humano (VPH) es la principal causa de cáncer de cuello uterino.

Ecografía del embarazo

Hacer una ecografía en Falmouth Trelawny debería ser muy fácil. Echemos un vistazo al interior y veamos qué pasa con el pequeño Rick o Crystal

Chequeo general

Nuestro consultorio médico en Falmouth le ayudará a ponerse al día con su salud como nosotros nos ponemos al día con los buenos chismes: ¡de manera exhaustiva y reflexiva!

¿Qué tal una revisión detallada del consultorio médico?

Find the Right Medical Care Package for You

At Hazba Medical Center, Our doctor's office provides personalized medical services to fit every budget. Whether you need primary care, women's health services, or specialized medical treatment, our flexible packages ensure you get the care you deserve

Best Value

Telemedicine Care Package

24,99 US$


Cada mes

This package is designed for patients who want basic medical services from the comfort of their own home.

Válido hasta que se cancele

Unlimited Telemedicine Consultations

Video/Text Consultations

Prescription Refills

Basic health advice & guidance

Fever management

Stomach illness support

Skin rash consultation

General wellness advice

Response within 24 hours

Best Value

Primary Care Package

49,99 US$


Cada mes

Description: This package provides more extensive primary care services, including telemedicine, preventive care, and in-person office visits

Válido hasta que se cancele

Coverage for 1 Person

Unlimited Telemedicine Consultations

Unlimited In-Office Visits

Priority General Consultations

Hypertension Management

Diabetes Care & Monitoring

Chronic Headache Support

Fertility Consultation

Pregnancy Consultation


Basic Imaging Referrals (X-ray, Ultrasound)

Advanced Imaging Referrals (CT, MRI)

Mental Health Counseling Sessions

Priority Lab Test Referrals

Direct Doctor Communication

Best Value

Complete Women's Care

55,99 US$


Cada mes

Take control of your health with our Advance-level Women's Health plan designed for routine women's healthcare needs. This plan offers essential Women's medical services and basic preventive care.

Válido hasta que se cancele

Unlimited Telemedicine

Unlimited In-Office Visit

Pregnancy Testing

Ovulation Testing

Basic STI Screening

Yeast Infection Treatment

Vaginal Wash

Basic Pap Smear (annual)

Vaginal pH Testing

Basic Fertility Guidance

Hormone Level Testing

Contraception Consultation